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My goal is to add my very old (about twenty years) ROAD biketours to a current exercise tracking web service like sports-tracker, runtastic, strava etc. where all my recent activities are stored too (from the past couple of years). The idea is to draw a tracklog e.g. with which looks pretty good. As the tours were made on roads and I have the city names along the way I can draw the tracks. And here comes the puzzle I cannot solve:

I would like to add the time data to the tracklog files for about 10 points in the log and I want a tool which calculates the timestamp for all the other points. For your better understanding here is one example of the trips I captured that time with my Cateye CC-8000 which has 10 memories to store trip segments. I have all the old data in MS Excel. I have the following data for each of the tours like this: Segment name, time from the start of the tour, distance:

Esztergom-tour 1997.06.09
Szentendrei bike-path 00:40:24 17,71
Szentendre center 00:59:38 26,45
Tahi center 01:19:10 36,29
Hegy töve 01:40:04 46,35
Fellegvár 01:58:02 51,12
Visegrád 02:06:02 56,2
Esztergom Bazilika 02:54:37 78,57
Pilis 03:17:05 87,56
Nyereg 03:50:09 95,03
Pomáz 04:11:56 108,49
Szentendrei bike path 04:36:59 120,15
Home 05:19:37 136,90

For longer trips I also have the start and end time (CET) and the local time for each of the segments shown above.

So I would like to have a GPX file
- with a correct geographical information (no problem, I can draw it)
- for some of the points I would add the exact time
- for the intermediate point I would like to have time automatically calculated (e.g. based on my average speed.) (So the speed could be flat within a segment but if it could be somehow adjusted using with the elevation data it would be the icing on the cake. :)
My best bet is currently to crate the track than edit it with n XML editor but I do hope you can recommend a more user friendly approach.
Thank you,

asked 19 Jun '14, 21:25

F%20Ace's gravatar image

F Ace
accept rate: 0%

sorry, but this is not at all OSM-related, is it?

(19 Jun '14, 23:55) aseerel4c26 ♦

I did something like you want to achieve but neither remember the details nor would they help you much (I assume) since you use Windows and aren't used to bash tools.
Do it more or less like this:

  • Get the gpx track. Either draw it by hand or derive it from a routing site (e.g.
  • For faking timestamps you can use gpsbabel(1)

If you want you can strip some timestamps from the file again – of course with gpsbabel. :)
Most elevation data you can add easily with some online services like this.

My example you can find here – can you find out the part which is artificial?


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answered 19 Jun '14, 22:43

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 19 Jun '14, 22:50

I'm not sure what you want to do with these GPX files but I do know that GPSBabel can add timestamps to GPX data. I had need for this when I retrieved some GPX files that I had uploaded to Google Earth, which stripped the time data from them. In order to use the data on OSM I had to resort to a GPSBabel function called faketime which puts a user specified date and time on each point in your tracklog.

I won't do anything as complex as what you want but it's a start. From the command line, invoke GPSBabel like this:

gpsbabel -i gpx -f c:in.gpx -x track,faketime=f20140605130705+5 -o gpx -F c:\out.gpx

faketime format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS+SS (no. of seconds to increment each point)

This command takes a track and beginning with the first point, adds the date 2014-06-05 and a time, in this example, 07:05 am. Each subsequent point gets incremented by 5 seconds.

Read this for more.


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answered 20 Jun '14, 03:33

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 19 Jun '14, 21:25

question was seen: 8,980 times

last updated: 20 Jun '14, 03:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum