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Hi, I was just wondering if there is any consensus as to what to tag an Orthodontist as? Looking on taginfo, there appears to be a number of different ways of doing it, with the most popular being amenity=Orthodontist. However, only 10 of these tags exist on the map. Doing a search for Orthodontist in the map, some other people are just tagging them as a dentist, but I don't feel this would be correct.

Edit: also, 17 do health_specialty:orthodontics

Any ideas? Maybe a tag that could be added to the wiki as official?

asked 18 Jun '14, 12:54

jackfifield's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jun '14, 14:59

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


OSM doesn't really have "official" tags. See:

(18 Jun '14, 14:15) SomeoneElse ♦

Hmm, ok. I guess I just want people's opinions on which tag I should be using, then. Thanks :)

(18 Jun '14, 14:19) jackfifield

Just FYI, I see slightly different numbers: 11 for healthcare:speciality=orthodontics, 10 for amenity=orthodontist, 4 for health_specialty=orthodontics, 3 dentist=orthodontist, and 2 healthcare=orthodontist.

(18 Jun '14, 15:30) neuhausr

Ah, I seem to have been looking under "keys" by mistake for the "orthodntics" tags. Your values are correct.

(18 Jun '14, 15:36) jackfifield

Personally, I like the idea of moving doctor, dentist, etc out of amenity into healthcare, so I would suggest going that way with orthodontics too, but there still doesn't seem to be any real consensus around that. So, pick whichever of the top options that makes most sense to you.

permanent link

answered 18 Jun '14, 15:48

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I'll probably do this, I guess you mean using "health_specialty:orthodontics=yes"? Do you think I should leave this question open for more people to comment?

(18 Jun '14, 17:14) jackfifield

I actually meant healthcare:speciality=orthodontics. See if you dare, it's a bit intense :) About the question, you could wait to see if others chime in with a different response or votes. You can also accept an answer and change to a different answer later if a better one comes along.

(18 Jun '14, 17:47) neuhausr

Okay, I'm gonna accept you as the answer ;). I've changed the orthodontist that I added to healthcare:speciality=orthodontics . Which I suppose does make more sense than having something with a value of "yes". I've bookmarked the Proposed Healthcare page, and will also read through it. Thanks a lot ;)

(18 Jun '14, 19:15) jackfifield

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question asked: 18 Jun '14, 12:54

question was seen: 31,778 times

last updated: 18 Jun '14, 19:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum