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Is there a software available for symbian phones that allows you to display offline your own rendered tiles? I have a Symbian Phone with GPS and would like to display my mapnik generated tiles (they are in OSM-scheme folders) which I upload to the memory card on the phone. Ideally touch screen navigation would be supported.

asked 27 Feb '11, 11:55

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

If you don't necessarily need the exact tile images you can use the OSM-file used to generate the tiles with GpsMid. That's what I use on my Symbian phone (Nokia E75), and it works great.

(27 Feb '11, 15:16) riyaah

Riyaa, thank you for your answer. Unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem: I want to upload and display already created custom bitmap files (including hillshading, contour lines, highly customized rendering), while GPS-Mid is a solution to display vector maps.

(27 Feb '11, 15:46) dieterdreist

Ok, I thought that might be the case, but you never know. :)

(27 Feb '11, 16:04) riyaah

You could use TrekBuddy on the phone, plus Mobile Atlas Creator to generate the maps for it.

See the README.HTM file included with Mobile Atlas Creator for details on how to add custom map sources, so you could set it to use your own rendered tiles.

permanent link

answered 27 Feb '11, 21:39

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Great app! Versatile, configurable, nice features. The only small drawback is the zooming, which is a little complicated: you have to "load" another mapset (you choose the zoomlevel from a list).

(24 Mar '11, 23:04) dieterdreist

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question asked: 27 Feb '11, 11:55

question was seen: 8,902 times

last updated: 17 Sep '12, 14:07

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