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Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes to be an edit visible? Before 2 months I insert both all platform of the public transportation of Athens and routes, using Josm. These changes aren't visible yet, but when I am in editing mode using ID I see both plantforms and routes. These is a rendering problem? The .osm file is 3.53 MB. Or something else goes wrong?

Thank's for the help.

asked 18 Jun '14, 11:37

Georgios's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jun '14, 12:50

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

(20 Jun '14, 09:17) Georgios

here is an example:

This is the xml element of this node:

<node id="2786695060" timestamp="2014-04-12T23:23:25Z" uid="****" user="****" visible="true" version="1" changeset="21655655" lat="38.034042" lon="23.767162"> <tag k="bus" v="yes"/> <tag k="name" v="10η ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΥ"/> <tag k="public_transport" v="platform"/> </node>

I rewrite it, in order to be more visible.

(20 Jun '14, 20:09) Georgios

... and just to clarify - your new routes don't show up because you've added the nodes for the stops to the relation but not the ways. Compare for example this nearby bus relation and yours.

(21 Jun '14, 01:31) SomeoneElse ♦

You tagged everything with the "new" public transport scheme. The people who invented this complex scheme with lots of different relation types, didn't think of how difficult it would be to get something like that rendered. They also didn't provide any patches for the style sheet expecting other people to solve this. Alas the team of volunteers maintaining the style sheet is small and they can't do everything at once.

They welcome any help:

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answered 20 Jun '14, 09:54

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

While adding support for public_transport tags is easy, it is not possible right, because it requires bus/tram/trolleybus/... keys, which are absent from .style file, and therefore from the database.

(20 Jun '14, 11:15) Zverik

the issue is not with the stylesheet but with the database scheme for the rendering database, which doesn't (currently) provide the needed keys like "bus" or "public_transport". Frankly, in the case of busstops, it can be argued why the established scheme highway=bus_stop (one tag) should be inferior than the new scheme (two tags to say the same).

(20 Jun '14, 11:17) dieterdreist

Sorry guys, those are excuses to do nothing. "public_transport" is in the current .style file. The current icon for a tram stop is a small blue square, which could be used for all kind of stops, so you wouldn't need the other tags. If you want to discuss this some more please do this at issue 311 on Github, as it is out of scope of this help site.

(20 Jun '14, 11:38) cartinus

@cartinus - that github issue is for the "standard" style only. The relevant edits don't show up on the "Transport" layer or http://www.ö either.

(20 Jun '14, 12:00) SomeoneElse ♦

@cartinus, you would need other tags — for example, tram stops are marked with public_transport=stop_position + tram=yes, while bus stops are public_transport=platform, and you don't want to draw stop positions for buses.

(20 Jun '14, 13:01) Zverik

@dieterdreist where someone can see the database scheme?

(20 Jun '14, 18:41) Georgios

@SomeoneElse AFAIK the styles for both the transport layer and the ÖpnvKarte are closed source. So you'll have to ask the maintainers of those styles why they don't support the "new" tagging scheme.

(20 Jun '14, 20:19) cartinus

@Georgios Which tags are imported can be seen in this file. Each tag gets his own column in the database.

@The other people: No pull requests there either. What's going to happen when the admins need to do the next database reload?

(20 Jun '14, 20:37) cartinus

Thank's cartinus.

If someone try to select the "Map Data" in "Map Layers" is able to see the stops and all the data. That means that is already rendered?

(20 Jun '14, 20:52) Georgios

@Georgios: the "Map Data" does not show you a "rendering" in the usual sense. It just pulls in all data from our database into your browser and displays (renders in a basic way) it. This works usually directly after a edit.

(21 Jun '14, 02:59) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 10 show 5 more comments

How long things take to render varies, depending on various factors. There's a long and detailed answer here.

However if you added something two months ago, if it's going to render I'd expect it to be there by now - but not everything does show up on the "Standard" layer. Can you link to something that you've added that doesn't appear?


... and to answer the second part of the question (after discussion on IRC) - your new routes don't show up because you've added the nodes for the stops to the relation but not the ways. Compare for example this nearby bus relation and yours.

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answered 18 Jun '14, 11:41

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 20 Jun '14, 12:05

(18 Jun '14, 11:55) Georgios

... and I'm guessing that is one of the nodes that you added.

(18 Jun '14, 12:01) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes, you are right.

(18 Jun '14, 12:14) Georgios

This is the xml element of this node:

<node id="2786695060" timestamp="2014-04-12T23:23:25Z" uid="****" user="****" visible="true" version="1" changeset="21655655" lat="38.034042" lon="23.767162"> <tag k="bus" v="yes"/> <tag k="name" v="10η ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΥ"/> <tag k="public_transport" v="platform"/> </node>

(18 Jun '14, 12:19) Georgios

Your changes are correct, but it won't get rendered at the moment. See cartinus' answer.

(20 Jun '14, 10:59) scai ♦

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question asked: 18 Jun '14, 11:37

question was seen: 18,762 times

last updated: 21 Jun '14, 02:59

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