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How do you tag a road that is blocked such that routing software (i.e. Osmand) avoids this?

The west coast road on Kefalonia is currently blocked by a landslide just below the Assos turning. I have put in the signposted "deviation" road that wasn't on the map and tagged this as a secondary highway, so in theory the routing software now has this as an option but the point of the landslide needs tagging to stop the routing software using this. My impression is that this road problem is going to take many months to repair.

asked 18 Jun '14, 09:04

dud1's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Simply map this as an access restriction. In other words the tag access=no. In the default editor on you can set this by choosing no in the field general access.

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answered 18 Jun '14, 15:17

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

That section could be tagged highway=construction until the road work is completed and the road is reopened. A note could be added to the map to alert mappers to check the site to see if the reconstuction work is completed.

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answered 18 Jun '14, 09:10

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 18 Jun '14, 09:12


The tag highway=construction is for new construction not for roadworks.

(18 Jun '14, 15:17) cartinus

@cartinus Is it? Where is this restriction defined? I've seen numerous cases of road repair where highway=construction has been used. The wiki doesn't provide a clear definition either.

(18 Jun '14, 16:24) scai ♦

Actually until some wiki gardening gnome sneaked in the bit about minor construction the page was clear. The only thing mentioned is "under construction". There is no mention at all of "roadworks" or "reconstruction".

This subject has come up on the mailing lists a number of times in the last 6 years. Every time I've seen it, it was said: "This is for new construction". Now I haven't been following the tagging list for a while, because I get depressed of the number of people without common sense posting on it. Maybe five people there decided to change the meaning of the tag.

(19 Jun '14, 02:40) cartinus

Good to know, I'm not reading the tagging mailing list. But if the people there have been clearly against using this tag for roadworks then this should be pointed out at the wiki page. Instead of not mentioning "roadworks" or "reconstruction" it should be clearly stated that these cases should be handled with a different tag.

(19 Jun '14, 07:40) scai ♦

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question asked: 18 Jun '14, 09:04

question was seen: 4,082 times

last updated: 19 Jun '14, 07:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum