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I created a multipolygon a few weeks ago. It is the Harding Ice Field near Homer, Alaska. The individual members are glaciers and most of them have specific names. However, when viewed on the slippy map or in the web-based map at, the name of one of the glaciers is the only one visible, Nuka Glacier and it shows as the name of ALL of the glaciers. (Nuka Glacier (id:272254378))

The Harding Ice Field is a multipolygon defined as: Relation Harding Ice Field (3632894) (as outer)

and a view of the general area is here (zoom out to see the entire ice field)

I've checked and rechecked but can find no reason for this behavior. Any suggestions?

asked 17 Jun '14, 22:29

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 18 Jun '14, 02:25

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

There are a lot of broken multipolygons in the world. The software that imports the OSM data for rendering tries to fix these. In this case it thinks the multipolygon is broken, because there is no tag on the multipolygon that defines what it is. There is only a name tag (and source, but that is ignored). So it uses the tags from one of the "outer" members for the whole multipolygon.

Try putting natural=glacier on the multipolygon. Maybe with one of the tags from the Glaciers tags proposal, so it can be distinguished from the individual glaciers. This might however cause the names of the individual glaciers to no longer be rendered.

Another option to try is using a new tag like natural=ice_field. But I don't know if an ice field is sufficiently different from a very big glacier to warrant it's own tag.

permanent link

answered 17 Jun '14, 23:54

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

edited 17 Jun '14, 23:57

I intentionally did not tag the multipolygon with natural=glacier because it is not a glacier, per se, but a collection of several individually named glaciers.

I will try putting natural=icefield on the multipolygon and see what happens.

Thanks for your suggestions.

(18 Jun '14, 00:42) AlaskaDave

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question asked: 17 Jun '14, 22:29

question was seen: 4,262 times

last updated: 18 Jun '14, 02:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum