I would like to add a island inside an existing lake. How is this done? |
I didn't see the steps explicitly set out in the other answers, so in case it's helpful here goes: In iD:
In Potlatch 2:
One Potlatch 2 tip if you do a lot of relation editing there: you can repeat relations from the previously selected way with Shift-R 1
if you are using the online editor there a couple options as well. like drawing two areas, and then selecting both and merging them with the plus button.
(24 Oct '14, 17:53)
@Sunfishtommy: thanks, according to your other question here you mean the editor "iD" (note that Potlatch is also an "online" editor). Yes, the "merge"/"+" seems to be a new shortcut for this.
(24 Oct '14, 19:16)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@aseerel4c26: Yea i am relatively new and i have been using iD exclusively because of its simplicity. I didn't even realize there were other options until recently. But i am finally starting to learn the terminology.
(26 Oct '14, 16:52)
For help with Id look here https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/22542/how-do-i-map-an-island-in-a-lake-using-id-editor-and-the-multipolygon-tag For Potlatch2 see Richards answer here, he made P2 and should know https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/14732/using-inner-and-outer-relations |
I guess the question is more about multipolygons (i.e. how to create an object as a "hole" inside another object). The existing lake should became the outer ring, and the new island the inner ring, of a new multipolygon relation. How to create a multipolygon relation depends on the editor you use, the wiki contains an illustrated example with Potlatch: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multipolygon |