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I think the permalinks to should help you. See section "Sharing a link to the maps" at . You can define a position (for the centre of the map) and scale ("zoom level"). To find a position you could use the marker function (in the share menu) – drag the map to make the marker appear at the desired position and then copy&paste the URL in the text box. Look up the mlat and mlong parameter (those are the coordinates) or use the part after #. Thanks folks, I see there is a lot of programming work to do ;=(
(17 Jun '14, 20:32)
Little Joe 2014
The scale that you get when you search for something is dependant on the size of the thing that you find. If I search for "Everest" I get a node, and I'm zoomed right in (even though it's a node that represents something quite large). If I search for something that returns a way or relation then the resulting map is sized based on that way or relation. The problem with not zooming in on nodes so much would be that in some circumstances (shops in a shopping centre, for example) you would want to zoom right in. It's not currently possible to change the zoom level you get when you click on a node search result. It seems that the question is still very unclear. ;-)
(17 Jun '14, 12:07)
aseerel4c26 ♦
what is "OSM" for you? About what are you talking? Which website (URL?), which program? Where do you want to "define"? Are you a programmer? Are you a user? Please describe - otherwise it is guessing.
I don't use a special program, only >><< for georeferencing buildings under monument protection.