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I'm new to osm and mapnik, i finally found a way to hide the borders tagged as maritime through mapnik but there is a border, also tagged as maritime on which my rules are not applied.

Only belgium data are imported but a border of Netherlands is showing on the map: Click here for screenshot

You can see that the maritime borders of Belgium are correctly hidden but there is one remaining in front of the Netherlands. The data were downloaded this morning from geofabrik. If you follow this link you can see how that border is tagged, it has admin_level=2 and maritime=yes.

Can anyone explain why my rules are not applied on that border? And why it is in the Belgium data extract whereas it's related to the Netherlands?

Here is my mapnik config from from dropbox

asked 16 Jun '14, 13:26

QuentP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Jun '14, 13:28

Me too having having same problem. i followed the instruction given in in planet_osm_roads i cant find any attributes with name maritime. in planet_osm_line i have find only few row for condition "boundary" = 'maritime'

Can u explain how did u import the data to postgres ?

(10 Nov '14, 11:31) Arun kmp
(12 Nov '14, 08:26) QuentP

At a very rough guess I'd suggest looking at the relations which include that way. You could try a PostGIS query to find which linestrings in your database intersect this area, and examine their tags.

Personally I have chosen to change the ordering of my rendering thus:

  1. (bottom) Land
  2. Borders
  3. (top) Sea

such that the sea always appears above these accursed fugly maritime boundaries.

permanent link

answered 12 Nov '14, 10:55

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 12 Nov '14, 10:55

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question asked: 16 Jun '14, 13:26

question was seen: 4,281 times

last updated: 12 Nov '14, 10:55

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