Th previous versions of OSM did not have the buildings on it. Is there a way to get OSM maps without the buildings? |
Where did you download that map without buildings ? The map on always had buildings. That is : as soon as they were mapped by someone. The same applies e.g. to the maps that you can download from No buildings when they were not mapped, but when someone adds them, they appear on the map. Of course this makes the files containing the maps bigger You could create your own map (be it for a website or a Garmin device) without buildings. If you cannot make your own maps, or do not want to so, you will always depend on the map maker for including or excluding certain features. 3
If you look at his username, you'll see he is probably from New York. All buildings in New York City got imported over the last months.
(13 Jun '14, 18:02)
I noticed that you can download a Garmin version of the osm from the Lambertus site that does not include buildings. as described on this site..... " Worldwide (Openfietsmap Lite) On you can make a worldwide selection of predefined countries or a (limited) selection of tiles. Choose the option Routable Bicycle for the Openfietsmap Lite version. This light version does not include contourlines, buildings, extended landuse (grass, farmland etc). " edit: read somewhere else that it has fewer buildings instead of none?? CAUTION: don't download unless you need a map as the queue to receive it is a 3 day wait presently. |
Can you explain what you mean by "version of OpenStreetMap"? Do you mean a web map (if so, what's the URL) or something that you download, perhaps for a phone or a satnav (if so, from where)?