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I have a question about tagging lanes and turn:lanes on certain crossings. An example is this crossing It is the piece of the north/south road (N14) between the two R6 roads that's causing me troubles.

The middle lane is shared as turn lane for drivers coming from the north and the south. So there are only 4 lanes in total, but I want 3 backward lanes and 2 forward. Also I want turn:lanes:forward=left|through and left|through|through for turn:lanes:backward.

But JOSM is always complaining that the number of lanes do not add up. Can I ignore the warning or is there a better way to tag this ?

asked 12 Jun '14, 21:57

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Interesting looking intersection. In the Bing imagery it looks like there might have been some lane markings in the middle that might help but are now obscured. Am I correct that the traffic signals are set so that only one direction of N14 is allowed to proceed at one time? Otherwise it looks like there would be an issue with two different directions of traffic using the middle lane.

I think I'd tag that middle sections having 6 lanes instead of five. That, I think, reflects the logical traffic flow if not the actual number of lane markers on the ground.

You might also want to look at for better showing the logic of the traffic signals. It does not seem that traffic on N14 actually goes through two lights with the possibility of waiting in that middle section.

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answered 12 Jun '14, 22:32

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


We have access to AGIV imagery, which is more recent and in most cases of better quality.

thanks a lot for the tip on the traffic signals. I'll apply those changes.

I can't remember whether only one direction of the N14 is using the middle lane , or both at the same time. I know certain crossing where the latter is the case. You proceed as far as the opposite direction allows. In other cases, left turning traffic is waiting in the non-shared part until through traffic gets a red light and then only left turning traffic gets green,

(13 Jun '14, 04:34) escada

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question asked: 12 Jun '14, 21:57

question was seen: 2,864 times

last updated: 13 Jun '14, 04:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum