new to osm - and all the corresponding things like requests done with overpass and thelike update: this thread is related to the thread where i perform a request to the overpass-API-endpoint. All goes well - but i want to have a. the results stored within a mysql-database b. perform a request with another area-definition.... see more at the above mentioned thread: how to perform a request - note i do them with PHP
what if i replace this with the following
cf: well can i enter values for countries as well
what if i want to have all schools from a certain country:
question - can i do like mentioned above - can i perfom such requests? please set me straight if my question is not concise and concrete enough asked 12 Jun '14, 21:29 say_hello_to... |
Are you trying to use XAPI or Overpass? You've referenced the XAPI wiki page and are quoting what looks like overpass queries. Also, you've not said what (this time) your end goal is.
It might help to take a step back and document somewhere (perhaps on a personal wiki page?) what you're trying to do, why you're trying to do it, what you've tried so far, what you expected to happen, and what actually did happen.
This page here is about software bug reporting:
but you might find it helpful all the same.
update: thank you for the respond! this thread is related to the thread
where i perform a request to the overpass-API-endpoint. All goes well - but i want to have
a. the results stored within a mysql-database b. perform a request with another area-definition....
see more at the above mentioned thread:
hello dear SomeQoneElse - again me. well since i am learing while working with the scripts i have create a wiki-page - here i collect all the ideas and good things that i collect in the internet. see the above mentioned question - in other words - rephrased
love to hear from you. Dont hesitate to add your ideas - either here or at the wikipage