I noticed today that at least Kerman province, and possibly others in Iran, do not have sub-provinces included in Nominatim. I was looking at this blurb, which states:
Does that mean that the boundaries can be imported from GADM for Iran? GADM does correctly have the sub-provinces, so far as I can tell, and it would be nice to import them to Open Street Map, but I want to make sure it's okay before doing anything about it. Thanks! FYI, my test point in Kerman sub province, Kerman, Iran. See nominatim results, at http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/reverse.php?format=json&json_callback=renderExampleThreeResults&lat=30.311667&lon=57.04 |
The problem is that the source of the data that GADM uses may have changed and with it the licence, if it hasn't, yes than you can use GADM. So you would need to have a look at when the boundaries for Iran were imported and check with historic and current GADM data. Naturally in principle the simplest way to determine that would be to ask GADM directly, but in our experience it has taken a very long time to get answers if at all. Not directed at you, but given the amount of trouble it has caused, I do have to make this comment: GADM DATA IS PROVIDED UNDER A NON-COMMERCIAL USE LICENCE AND THEREFORE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR IMPORTING IN TO OSM EXCEPT IF EXPLICIT PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED. Further note: determing if a data source is licenced in a way that would allow it to be imported or used for OSM purposes is just one of the required steps prior to an import, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines for more information. |