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goood day

i want to install overpass.api on opensuse 13.1

what is needed to do that.

are there things i have to get via YAST - or do i need to get all via Terminal!?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated


i want to install overpass.api on opensuse 13.1

what is needed to do that.

are there things i have to get via YAST - or do i need to get all via Terminal!?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated



guess that i meet the system requirements on my samsung netbook - (bit low level) but i guess that this might work

asked 08 Jun '14, 07:37

say_hello_to_the_world's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jun '14, 11:35

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

A quick Google for "opensuse yast expat" suggests one of the likely package names (libexpat-devel), so I'd actually try and install the dependancies that the Overpass page suggests first and then try and build it. It's quite possible that you're the first person to try this on OpenSUSE, so no-one may be able to answer with exactly what you need to do - you'll need to experiment.

Personally, before doing this sort of thing on the intended real hardware I'd try in a test virtual machine - any modern desktop or laptop ought to be able to support a VM with the required resources suggested by the Overpass setup page. Using a VM means that if something goes wrong you can easily start again just by restoring a previous copy of the VM without worrying about losing other data.

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answered 08 Jun '14, 11:33

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

helo SomeoneElse many many thanks for all the hints. Great asset of knowlede & ideas

(08 Jun '14, 22:09) say_hello_to...

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question asked: 08 Jun '14, 07:37

question was seen: 3,313 times

last updated: 08 Jun '14, 22:23

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