How I understand it, you want to be able to enter the latitude/longitude inside the search box (at and get brought there.
Replace the stuff inside the apostrophes with the following:
If this is not what you want, you have to explain your question better. Edit: Thanks for Tordanik for pointing out that you can actually search for latitute/longitude inside the search box. 2
By the way, is just a short url for ;)
(07 Jun '14, 14:32)
Dominik Berger
You can enter coordinates into the search box, e.g. like this: "50.6950 13.3829" The first search result will be a link to that place on the map.
(07 Jun '14, 16:35)
Oops, I didn't know that. I have edited the answer.
(07 Jun '14, 16:41)
Dominik Berger
I think the user refers to 'reverse geocoding' that returns the closest road/address to a geopoint. This is supported e.g. by nominatim |
What are you looking for? Addresses at a location or are you looking for POIs near a place?