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Hello! Could anyone tell me whether this (November 2012) discussion was ever resolved, and if so, to what (and update the wiki accordingly)?

Bottom line: I'd like to know how to properly add the information from a sign like this in the U.S.

I already know that the motorway_junction gets name+ref both as '40A', but that leaves the remainder, and I really can't find any clear answer from this (now 18 month old?) discussion. All of exit_to, destination, and relation:destination_sign are still at a status of 'unspecified'.

Thanks much!

asked 04 Jun '14, 15:50

Skybunny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

All of exit_to, destination, and relation:destination_sign are still at a status of 'unspecified'.

The status in the sidebar in the wiki doesn't have much meaning. You can safely ignore it.

(04 Jun '14, 18:05) cartinus

First off, the junction in the example image doesn't have a name, just a ref, so the name tag shouldn't be used.

As for the exit_to vs. destination debate, it sounds like the resolution was that there's no resolution. In the US, exit_to seems to be the tag of choice, while other parts of the world use destination. Basically, use whichever ones suits your fancy.

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answered 04 Jun '14, 17:46

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 04 Jun '14, 15:50

question was seen: 3,459 times

last updated: 04 Jun '14, 18:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum