I've watched a few tutorials and every one that explains how to select the map and export it as an osm file have options in the export window for that. I'm using chrome on a mac and I'm presented with an export button only which directs me to a url. If I need to use another OS, let me know. Thx. |
First row on screen has (as of 04 June 2014): OpenStreetMap logo - green "Edit" button - green "History" button - green "Export" button. That's the one you want, not the "share" button on the right margin. Thanks frederick, I used that export button. Maybe the right question is how do I get the OSM file from the XML that the export button spits out? This is what I get: http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=-93.7889,41.4486,-93.4082,41.7068
(04 Jun '14, 15:09)
I'm trying to import this to cityengine
(04 Jun '14, 15:19)
An OSM file is nothing more than an XML file with the file extension .osm
(04 Jun '14, 15:20)
That does look like quite a large area: What I suspect is happening is that the editing API (which is what the tutorial is suggesting that you use) is refusing to serve quite so much data. Using a data extract (maybe a per-city one if it exists), or cutting down a larger one with Osmosis if it doesn't, would be better. See "country and area extracts" here:
(04 Jun '14, 15:23)
SomeoneElse ♦
For a large area, you can just click on the Overpass link below the export button instead of the export button itself. It gives you exactly the data the editing API would have given you.
(05 Jun '14, 07:49)
Roland Olbricht
Can you link to some of the tutorials? The site design did change last year; maybe they predate that?
here's one from 2013 http://spatiametrics.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/building-a-3d-world-with-openstreetmap-cityengine-unity-3d/