Below is a JOSM preset I'm developing that generates an error. I'm new to XML and cannot see the error and wonder if anyone else can. JOSM reports the following error when I try to add the code as a Custom Preset in JOSM v. 7182. Error is [1:1] (note: I replaced all "<" with "{" and all ">" with "}" so the code below will display properly) {presets xmlns=""} Thanks very much... |
The problem is that you have check key="name" text="Name Here " default=" " delete_if_empty="true" you probably meant to have key here. Check is a checkbox. That cannot have an empty default. replace check with key and it work (at least for me) You are quite right escada. I changed that line to
(04 Jun '14, 17:44)
Sorry, my bad, it has to be "text key="name" text="Name Here " default=" " delete_if_empty="true"
(04 Jun '14, 20:36)
No, that's not it either. Still the same error. Wouldn't it be nice if such error messages would be more explanatory. The days of computers with limited space for text storage are long gone. Y2K is 14 years behind us!
(04 Jun '14, 23:26)
Is there any character before the first "<" ? A white space, a blank line ? "Content not allowed in prolog" means there is content, aka characters before the first accepted character, which has to be a "< I'm stil struggling to get the content of the file that is working back to you. Is this dropbox link working for you
(05 Jun '14, 04:21)
Finally! Got it. Yes, there was some spurious data in front of the leading "<". Where it came from is beyond me. I only found it by comparing your XML file and mine with ExamDiff, an old friend of mine. Thanks so much for your help escada.
(05 Jun '14, 06:47)
you're welcome. Glad I could help
(05 Jun '14, 08:03)
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Note enclosing code in back ticks will stop it from being interpreted as HTML.