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Very often, some POIs have more than one phone number listed (such as land line and mobile, but two land lines happen as well). How should I map such condition?

asked 01 Jun '14, 11:26

RicoElectrico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jun '14, 11:27

My instinctive answer, which seems to be used a bit according to taginfo, is to use "phone:XXX" where XXX qualifies the usecase ("mobile", "emergency", etc). You might want to tag the default phone twice, once with and once without the ":XXX" suffix.

Taginfo shows a lot of other schemes are in use, such as "phone2" and "alt_phone", but I feel that they do not follow best practices for new tag creation. There is also "contact:phone" as a IMHO-superfluous synonym of "phone".

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answered 01 Jun '14, 22:07

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 01 Jun '14, 22:07

Looking at the number of these tags being used, I doubt this is accessible to the software parsing OSM data. Still, better than nothing - if we invent something better then it's no problem to catch and replace these automatically. (Well, some people don't even let you finish a sentence that contains "automated edit" :P)

(02 Jun '14, 11:31) RicoElectrico

Given this situation, if someone really wanted to catch any "other" phone numbers, they could probably just look for tags that have "phone" anywhere in the key

(02 Jun '14, 14:08) neuhausr

We have a local fire department with a separate after hours phone number for anything that isn't a 911 emergency. Should this be tagged phone:after_hours or perhaps something else? It would be nice if there was a single location where all these corner cases could be documented for standardization, at least for anyone taking the time to search for the solution of a case which already has a solution. Best Rgds, -H-

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answered 28 Apr '19, 03:54

HMWamboldt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For a phone number that is only used during certain hours, perhaps a condiitional/opening hours style value could be used. See:

Maybe something along the form of:

phone:non_emergency=+n nnn nnn nnnn @ Mo-Su 00:00-08:00

(28 Apr '19, 15:54) n76

I also believe that the qualification of telephone numbers with "phone:XXX" would be the best.

In such a case, the tag "phone" could be the telephone exchange and the identifiers "phone:customer-service" or "phone:order-board" pose a direct line in these departments.

(Similar is possible for the departments of city goverment or a hospital)

with best regards

Thomas G.M. Mainka

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answered 09 Mar '15, 10:48

tgmm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Mar '15, 10:48

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question asked: 01 Jun '14, 11:26

question was seen: 5,932 times

last updated: 28 Apr '19, 15:54

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