Hello, how can I get a list of London streets and postcodes in excel/word please. Any help great fully received. Thanks in advance. K |
Currently we don't provide an easy to use way to get plain lists. Thus you need to process it on your own:
That can be done easily in a Python file but as I say, AFAIK we don't provide a ready-to-use service. 2
The above can also be achieved with existing software like osmconvert/osmfilter, yielding a CSV file with London streets. However the post codes are another matter entirely; they will not be recorded as attributes to the street so deducing them will require spatial computations if it is possible at all. -- Also note one street can consist of a number of individual parts in OSM and therefore will show up multiple times in your result list.
(01 Jun '14, 09:20)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Thank you Fredrik Excuse my lack of knowledge but I would not know the first thing about how to do this. Can a simpleton do this? Regards K
(01 Jun '14, 14:35)
Kevy kev
You could use Overpass API that offers basic spatial queries. Like this: |
... also do a search on this FAQ site about "street list" ... there have been already similar topics with helpful solutions. I recommend to use overpass-api or overpass-turbo and to limit the query area to an administartive area of your choice. Thus you can get the desired result definitively! |