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Google is collecting information about points of interest (information here: of whole world using Ingress. Would be great have that data in OSM. Is it legal to insert them? Shall we change descriptions/pictures?

asked 31 May '14, 12:51

Inaltoasinistra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This information wouldn't be useful in OpenStreetMap, since it's only of use to Ingress players and Google does not use OSM data. It's also not verifiable without checking Ingress itself, which will have database rights attached to it, so can't legally be included in any case.

That said, there's nothing stopping you collecting add much information as you can on the public artworks, etc used add portals providing you collect this through a survey and not from any copyrighted source.

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answered 31 May '14, 13:52

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

On the page you link Googles "Terms of Service" for Ingress are linked. Read them.

(In case you cannot be bothered to do so:
The answer to your question:
"Would be great have that data in OSM."
– Where I assume you refer with "that" to the data collected by Ingress players –
is "No".)

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answered 01 Jun '14, 19:51

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 31 May '14, 12:51

question was seen: 5,976 times

last updated: 01 Jun '14, 19:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum