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a GPS workout tracking and analysis service I use, Runkeeper, recently switched to Openstreetmap for mapping backgrounds. It is not working well, because my municipality, Gjøvik, has not been updated with (much of) the public Norwegian map data, at least not in my part of the municipality. I live in Biri.

I don't have the geodata knowhow to contribute, or else I would. I am well versed in GPS technology and an avid map user, but I am not trained, nor do I have the tools to work the databases.

The neighbouring municipalities Lillehammer, Ringsaker, Østre and Vestre Toten all seem to be updated with much better detail.

So, I am wondering how long it might be before Openstreetmap is useful for reading outdoor workout tracks in my area; Biri in Gjøvik, Norway.

Best regards, Sveinung

asked 28 May '14, 10:01

Sveinung's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 May '14, 21:26

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

just on a minor part of your question: you mention "public Norwegian map data". Please note that we are not allowed to use "public" data by default (see FAQ). We need special permissions/licenses to do so or the material needs to be licensed in a special way. Unless you know better, please only use your collected gps locations/traces and the default aerial imagery (usually and currently it is sponsored by bing) which you can see in our editors. Also there are issues with imported data in general.

(28 May '14, 21:30) aseerel4c26 ♦

Sorry, I assumed this community would know:

Norwegian publicly owned map data were released by the government under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY license, on the 26.09.2013 - 8 months ago. The data has been collected and maintained by the government agency "Kartverket" since the start of mapography in Norway, and the data will still be maintained by this agency.

I guess the info about the release is mainly available only in English, but Google Translate ususally does a fair job of translating between the closely related English and Norwegian.

I think the digest of the release is that you can use the data for products and services, as long as "© Kartverket" is credited.

The full data represents a huge value in terms of the investment made in them over the centuries - and now we can all use them, if we know how :-)

It looks like skilled geodata volunteers are currently going at it area by area, importing the VERY GOOD data (meter level, or better) from the national database into OSM. This is all good.

But in my particular local area, this has not happened yet, rendering OSM still useless.

You cite "issues" with imported data. I think the issue is you have to do it right - and Norwegian volunteer experts in the OSM community have provided guidelines an howtos for this specific task of dealing with the Norwegian "Kartverket" databases, but to do it, it seems you still have to be quite skilled plus have nice tools for the job.

Best regards, Sveinung

(01 Jun '14, 11:50) Sveinung

As far as I know, CC-BY is not compatible with OSM's ODbL license. Furthermore, imports are usually discouraged and would have to follow the rather strict import guidelines. Therefore, an import of this data is not likely to happen.

(01 Jun '14, 12:44) scai ♦

@Sveinung: Thanks for the info. Sorry, I was not aware of this. We have many countries all over the world. ;-) My comment was in general and not excluding such releases.

The release is already listed at Attribution#Norway in our wiki.

(01 Jun '14, 13:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

I would encourage you to have a go at mapping it yourself, especially as you are using a gps. The gpx tracks it creates in combination with the Bing satellite imagery are all you need. It is a fairly straight forward process to begin editing the map and doesn't require geodata knowhow or any knowledge of databases unless you want to develop your own mapping tools and map servers.

There are many tutorials to help you get started
The wiki
Beginners Guide

There are 3 main editors... iD, Potlatch and JOSM and I found JOSM to be the most intuitive to use but give them all a run to see what you prefer.

Once you finish reading the beginners help and begin to have a go you will find that all you need to do (using the josm editor) is load you gpx track, download the existing openstreetmap data along the route, download the Bing Satellite imagery and start clicking along the track to create the roads or track.

When satisfied with your effort just upload your newly created work and after a while the osm with reflect your changes.

I'm an old guy and if I can manage to learn new tricks after all these years, anyone can :)

Don't be afraid of making a few mistakes as you can re-edit later to fix.

permanent link

answered 28 May '14, 11:51

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 28 May '14, 11:56

(28 May '14, 13:19) Hendrikklaas

@Hendrikklaas - while some country forums are frequently used, some are not - and the Norwegian one is one of those. For info there's also #osm-no on IRC (a dozen people in right now), but I'm not sure where the main contact place that people from Norway use is.

(28 May '14, 13:26) SomeoneElse ♦

I agree with nevw. I knew very little about digital mapping when I started adding to OSM. I found the Potlatch editor to be easier than JOSM for a beginner (ID did not exist at the time), but everyone will have their own preference. You can't really go wrong; if you make a mistake, you do not have to save your changes, and if you discover a mistake after saving it, you can either correct it yourself or ask for help. Any new mapping will be welcome, especially if it is derived from your own GPS data.

(28 May '14, 19:58) Madryn

@Sveinung: Welcome to OSM! :-) I hope you will soon add your first new or corrected paths in Gjøvik, as nevw writes! Your (skill) background is perfect for contributing to OSM.

(28 May '14, 21:37) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 28 May '14, 10:01

question was seen: 4,027 times

last updated: 01 Jun '14, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum