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How do I prepare an SD card with maps of france to work when I plug the map into my nuvi 360. can i be sure that the present US maps will not be hidden when i do this? Many thanks, Bob

asked 27 May '14, 21:04

Bob326's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jun '14, 11:39

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey


I think the section What if I have an existing gmapsupp.img file should help you. However, I am not sure I understand your setup. Where is the US map currently? Why do you fear that it will be "hidden"? If you delete a new map on your sdcard it should be as before.

(27 May '14, 23:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

file names: use only short filenames (e.g. france.img) with 8 digits and 3 ext.-digits. on your navi go to menue, settings, map, map info and activite osm-map

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answered 01 Jun '14, 16:55

gwo4902's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


Many thanks, gwo4902. That seemed to do it I may have had two img extensions as well. Thanks again to all who helped.

(02 Jun '14, 16:13) Bob326

Bob326 If you click on the thumbs up to indicate useful answer(s) and the also click the tic to accept gwo4902's answer as the best. This will indicate to others what helped and by how much. I am pleased you have got the map up and running, I hadn't encountered the name length problem or seen it mentioned here before.

(03 Jun '14, 11:38) andy mackey

The wiki states that the Nüvi 3**-series can handle multiple gmapsupp-files with different names. So make a folder with the name 'Garmin' on your sd-card, copy the gmapsupp.img to that folder and voilà! If there is already a gmapsupp.img, first rename the new file to for example france_gmapsupp.img. After starting up the device, it will read the new map. Then it is possible to change the map-settings of the Nüvi so the new map is being displayed.

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answered 28 May '14, 11:32

BAGgeraar's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 28 May '14, 11:38


Many thanks. I will try this and report results.

(28 May '14, 19:37) Bob326

OK. I have sone that and when I put in the SD card my france_gmapsupp.img does not appear on the "map info" page. Must I do anytjhing else to load i? Thanks very much for your help.

(31 May '14, 15:57) Bob326

Did you follow the step by step answer to this question?

(31 May '14, 19:55) andy mackey

I think the 360 can only recognize gmapsupp.img so try to rename it back. Another issue can be that this nuvi cannot read SDHC cards, so you can use only cards up to 2gb.

gmapprom.img or gmapprom1.img are also alternative mapnames that can be used on some older nuvis.

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answered 01 Jun '14, 10:51

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 02 Jun '14, 14:16

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 27 May '14, 21:04

question was seen: 14,746 times

last updated: 03 Jun '14, 11:39

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