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I have a Nuvi 40 and loaded the OSM maps to my unit and it has created 96 disc image files under the directory named OSM generic routable (UK) As far as I can make out the live map file already on the unit is current.gpx under the GPX directory I assume I need to convert the OSM files to the current.gpx file How do I do this please

asked 27 May '14, 03:29

Maxitaxi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 May '14, 03:29


"current.gpx" on a Nuvi contains the tracks that you are recording, not the map that it displays.

I don't know exactly what you've downloaded, but what I'd expect that you'd need is a "gmapsupp.img" file (it's a Garmin map, not a "disk image file") and I'd expect that you'd want to copy it to a "garmin" directory on an SD card in your Nuvi, as descrbed on when you download it (it says "Compressed file containing a single image that can be placed directly onto the SD-card of the GPS. Unzip first!").

(27 May '14, 03:54) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks mate - you have got me a little closer My unit has Australia maps pre-loaded I have found these similar file names under the system dir which I have just unhidden gmapbmap.img 49,808 KB and gmapprom.img 251,852 KB Does the compressed file need to be loaded to an SD card or can it go on the unit if sufficient space

(27 May '14, 04:59) Maxitaxi

I believe that maps can go on the Garmin itself, but I've had mine become a bit badly behaved when it's absolutely full, so I'd definitely recommend an SD card if you've got a slot for it. The files that you've unhidden are the Garmin base map, I believe (so don't delete those!).

(27 May '14, 10:04) SomeoneElse ♦

If you are trying to load an OSM map for use in your garmin then similar questions have been asked before "SomeoneElse"'s answer is the best one, see you will probably need a memory card to put the map on, and that is safer than using the internal memory of your garmin. Once un-zipped and installed on the card and into the Nuvi look through the garmin device menus to select or deselect the map you want to use. I am guessing a bit as I don't have Nuvi 40 but that is how it works on Nuvi 1310t and Oregons.

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answered 27 May '14, 07:38

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 27 May '14, 22:23

The GPX file format is mainly intended for recording waypoints, routes and tracks. It is not possible to convert a map to a GPX file (or at least, not in any useful way). I don't know about the Nuvi 40 specifically, but on other Garmin devices the Garmin\GPX\current.gpx file is the recent track log (i.e a record of where the device has been). Garmin uses the '.img' file name extension for map files, and expects them to be placed directly in the '\Garmin' directory. Recent Garmin devices can accept several user-supplied '.img' map files with any names, but older devices could accept only one supplementary map file, which had to be called 'gmapsupp.img'. Most websites that offer OSM-derived Garmin maps provide them under that name (generally zipped, because they can be big), and they also provide installation instructions. Just follow the instructions carefully.

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answered 27 May '14, 13:05

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 27 May '14, 03:29

question was seen: 12,119 times

last updated: 27 May '14, 22:23

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