I'm getting cut labels on my maps. Same thing is happening on the main map here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=11/52.3303/-1.3774 (look between Coventry and Rugby) Anyone know how to fix them? I made a dynamic tileserver with Mapnik, renderd and Apache mod-tile. Also made a static one with Mapnik and generate_tiles.py to make the tiles. Same thing is happening in both cases. Did some research and discovered that the problem is caused by not having a buffer around the rendered tiles. So I stated a buffer size in my main xml style file (osm.xml): <Map background-color="#b5d0d0" buffer-size="128" srs="&srs900913;" minimum-version="2.0.0"> Did so for the dynamic and the static servers. Made no difference. Tried different sizes for the buffer: 256, 1024, made no difference. I know osm.xml is being loaded because every time I edit it I change the background colour and I can see the new colour in newly rendered tiles. So Mapnik is reading osm.xml but apparently ignoring the buffer size. Why so? Thank you. |