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I am trying to install the overpass API on my server but im getting an error. I'm following these instructions.

After importing a .bz2 file of great Britain (wget -O planet.osm.bz2 ""), I'm now trying to populate the database with the following command:

nohup /root/osm-3s_v0.7.3/src/bin/ ../root/planet.osm.bz2 `pwd`/../ /root/osm-3s_v0.7.3 &
tail -f nohup.out

But halfway through the import I'm getting the error:

Reading XML file ... elapsed node 2125784163. Flushing to database ...... done.
Reading XML file ... elapsed node 2368197335. Flushing to database ...... done.
Reading XML file ... elapsed node 2598221903. Flushing to database ...... done.
Reading XML file ... finished reading nodes. Flushing to database ...... done.
Reorganizing the database .../root/osm-3s_v0.7.3/src/bin/ line 43: 11607 Broken pipe             bunzip2 < $PLANET_FILE
     11608 Killed                  | $EXEC_DIR/bin/update_database --db-dir=$DB_DIR/ $META

Anybody know what's causing this?

asked 25 May '14, 16:22

gmeister4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 May '14, 07:56

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Killed can have many reasons. Maybe you did run out of memory? Check dmesg for OOM messages.

(26 May '14, 07:57) scai ♦

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question asked: 25 May '14, 16:22

question was seen: 3,447 times

last updated: 26 May '14, 07:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum