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Is there a preferred format for this GPS model and scale? So far current downloading instructions have directed me towards .img files. The Garmin folder does have a jpeg sub folder. PNG v.s. jpeg ? Does this model accomodate a range of scales and apply or is it limited ? Manual from Garmin leavfes many unanswered question. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

asked 24 Feb '11, 13:26

BirddogVet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Feb '11, 16:22

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza

I own an Oregon myself and always use OSM-derived .img files, which are vektor maps often covering very large areas, not images/pictures as one might first guess. The jpeg option are primarily for satelite views which are practical for small areas only and unlike .img will not be usefull for routing you anywhere.

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answered 28 May '13, 09:44

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

Yes, you can make a custom (non routable) map from jpegs for your oregon, see

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answered 28 May '13, 10:07

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


Do web search "OSM on Garmin" read their instructions follow them exactly and you should get a workable zoomable map. It works well on my vista HCX with UK map. The best maps will be in .img form, as they can cover whole countries. Oregons are not fussy about the name whereas older Garmin will only read one called gmapsupp.img so uploading a new one on the older device would over write the old one. The Oregon will display a jpeg of a map if it as been calibrated with Google Earth and will show your position on this map. The scale of a digital map will change as you zoom in and out, although the original paper will have had a scale such as 25K 40k 50K or 100K to one, the scale only gives an indication of detail only. Most Garmins display a small reference scale to aid distance estimation. Three relevant links.‎

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answered 24 Feb '11, 23:44

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 28 May '13, 16:09


I don't have an Oregon myself, but a quick check of the mkgmap list (a web search for "oregon") suggests that it should work with a normal gmapsupp.img (downloaded from somewhere or built locally). Full-address routing will be iffy (although the mkgmap folks are making progress on that).

Garmin's "buy" page ( suggests that it also can use imagery, so I'm guessing that that might be a use for the jpeg folder.

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answered 24 Feb '11, 14:39

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Full address routing is non-existent, but if you know the coordinates, it'll do a bang-up job.

(24 Feb '11, 18:14) Baloo Uriza

Is this true if using a map download said to as route-able? or does it only apply to old firm ware and or versions of the Oregon

(28 May '13, 05:53) andy mackey

I own an Oregon myself, which does routing perfectly with OSM-derived route-able maps downloaded today. I can't imagine any difference between versions regarding this and I've never heard of it.

(28 May '13, 09:31) Hjart

My Oregon will create a route from my current position to a waypoint. If the osm.img map is a routable one. I have the choice of several modes such automobile, cycle or hiking. Select one and it picks a route that is suitable for the mode of transport selected. I have used this feature many times and it works very well. Any failures have been the result of incorrect tagging or unconnected nodes which i can check and fix. I then hope the next map download will work correctly.

(13 Oct '15, 20:15) andy mackey

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question asked: 24 Feb '11, 13:26

question was seen: 14,460 times

last updated: 13 Oct '15, 20:15

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