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I am noticing the abandoned railroads are disappearing from the map. even new ones i added. what gives? It's bad enough they took the railroad names away from us last January. I use OSM strictly because of the detailed railroad lines vs other maps that don't show details.

asked 25 May '14, 05:07

railfan-eric's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Most of the answers to your previous question apply here too, I think. For a web-based map, OpenRailwayMap is probably the best option - is there something that you'd like it to show that it doesn't?

permanent link

answered 25 May '14, 09:21

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

thanks for the response, while i have been using Open Railroad Maps for a few months i still would like to use US Tropo Maps since i bought that app for my phone for downloading maps for offline viewing. ORM is a layer over a map. the offline downloaders download the regular OSM map so i don't get the benefits for ORM. I hate that after i bought the app i can't use it for what i intended. does this make since? I also use GMcatcher for the pc and it only does the regular map as well. no options for ORM. i can use the downloaders for open cycle map etc but not the map of my interest.

(25 May '14, 20:42) railfan-eric

Sorry, but we are not responsible for any third-party apps. And especially not for commercial ones. Please contact their official support and maybe they decide to include other layers / styles.

(26 May '14, 08:00) scai ♦
(26 May '14, 15:49) Vincent de P... ♦

A bit out of line maybe but why has this discussion been on Github and not OSM ?

(26 May '14, 15:58) Hendrikklaas

Because the rendering stylesheet is hosted at GitHub.

(26 May '14, 16:48) scai ♦

thanks for the info. what page or site has all the latest changes or proposed changes for OSM? I never can find anything.

(29 May '14, 07:21) railfan-eric
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question asked: 25 May '14, 05:07

question was seen: 4,521 times

last updated: 29 May '14, 07:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum