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I need to split a road into two, something I have done before at a node, but this time there is no node. I have search the help but can't find the answer. I assume I need to add a node then split it.

Secondary question, is it then possible to join one of the sections of the road to another so it appears as one road?

asked 23 May '14, 16:04

GrahamI's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 May '14, 16:04

Hi Grahaml, with P2 just push shift and push the left mouse button and there’s a new node in the way. Add all the tags to the road before cutting it, with the cutting tool the scissor hand in the right lower corner. The tutorial is here Joining them is selecting them with your pointer again while pushing the ctrl button and the chain button in the right lower window. In JOSM it’s done by these rules If you’re using ID I don’t know but there is a tutorial as well,

permanent link

answered 23 May '14, 16:20

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 23 May '14, 16:22


Thanks Nick. I've been using ID but I reverted to P2 to split and merge the roads.

(23 May '14, 16:40) GrahamI

Please note that the page linked to by Hendrikklaas for the JOSM method has nothing to do with what's being discussed here.

(23 May '14, 22:05) alester

Hi Alester, yould rather 've seen this one ?

(23 May '14, 23:32) Hendrikklaas

This one would be best: It covers both adding a node to a way and splitting.

(23 May '14, 23:50) alester

Update: It looks as though it should be simple enough to join 2 sections of road in ID. I can select one section and shift-select the other. There is a greyed-out + button but when I hover of it I get the message: these lines can't be merged because they aren't connected. They are connected so I'm guessing it's either a feature that has yet to be implemented or there's a bug...

(25 May '14, 08:04) GrahamI

Hi Graham try this one I just added ID in the blank window just below Questions together with ways et voila, succes.

(25 May '14, 08:35) Hendrikklaas

@GrahamI Would it be possible to provide a link to the ways that you can't join using iD so that we could have a look and see what the problem might be?

(25 May '14, 09:07) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi SomeoneElse. Unfortunately I can't at present as I used P2 to merge the ones I wanted to merge. I shall probably find some others later though...

(25 May '14, 09:34) GrahamI
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question asked: 23 May '14, 16:04

question was seen: 6,376 times

last updated: 25 May '14, 09:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum