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Before that, I already read that one,, and to my knowledge, didn't see any answer.

So I am willing to use osmfilter and extract the list of street alongside the lat and alt and the city/town/whatever it belongs to.

So for streets it is that: osmfilter 1.o5m --keep="highway=cycleway highway=path highway=primary highway=residential highway=tertiary highway=living_street"

Cities: spain.o5m --keep-nodes="place=city =town =village =hamlet =suburb =province" --keep-ways= --keep-relations= >mycity.osm which I got from here:

Now, how do I mix them and afterwards I am able to extract the list in a csv of the street, its lat and alt and the city it belongs to.

Thanks for the help!

asked 21 May '14, 11:51

Shikiso's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have tried mixing them but I just keep getting the list of streets with just the lat and alt, really can't figure this out. Please some help.

I think that it can also probably be done by just one file instead of mixing two of them.

Thanks in advance.

(05 Feb '15, 17:55) Shikiso

I suspect that someone's going to need to do a complete worked example here.

(27 Feb '15, 16:42) SomeoneElse ♦

The one answer to your two questions is osmconvert.

Do a search on that wiki page about "merge" and "csv".

permanent link

answered 21 May '14, 18:33

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

I have tried mixing them but I just keep getting the list of streets with just the lat and alt, really can't figure this out. Please some help.

I think that it can also probably be done by just one file instead of mixing two of them.

Thanks in advance.

Help please!!

(27 Feb '15, 16:08) Shikiso

Please tell us in DETAIL:

How did you mix what files exactly? what is the result you get in detail? What is the result you want to have?

PS: if you need to post bigger files or text, consider to ask this again in OSM forum at -> "Questions and Answers"

(03 Mar '15, 17:12) stephan75

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question asked: 21 May '14, 11:51

question was seen: 6,270 times

last updated: 03 Mar '15, 17:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum