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I am currently doing bigger imports (around 30,000 objects). OSM server often replies with "500 Internal Server Error" and JOSM needs to do many retries to finally upload the data. Sometimes all 5 retries fail, even multiple times. This process also takes hours to finish. Could this be fixed?

Thanks in advance.

asked 24 Feb '11, 10:54

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This can certainly be "fixed", but not with the amount of information you have provided. Please also link to the appropriate entry on the Import Catalogue for this import.

It is likely that you are uploading too many things at once and the server is taking too long to process it and timing out. The situation will be "fixed" by you changing the way you upload, but again it's hard to answer with so little information.

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answered 24 Feb '11, 12:19

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

I thought OSM server is logging all its errors so it could be read there. OSM server should also return details in the HTTP response, for example some stacktrace or SQL error, so I could report the issue with more details.

What I am uploading is smaller region with Corine Land Cover 2006 data merged with data downloaded from OSM. Failed changesets are currently 7380342 and 7379605. 7380917 is just pending:

Feel free to ask me any other details.

Thanks in advance.

(24 Feb '11, 12:35) Martin

Changeset 7380917 failed too. Is there a way to split changeset to smaller chunks if I already have one changeset .osm file?

(24 Feb '11, 13:18) Martin

Just because the server is logging errors doesn't mean the tens of thousands of OSM volunteers have access to those logs.

(24 Feb '11, 18:16) Baloo Uriza

Paul, you are right. And that's the reason why it is hard to provide more details :-)

(24 Feb '11, 19:19) Martin

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question asked: 24 Feb '11, 10:54

question was seen: 11,543 times

last updated: 24 Feb '11, 19:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum