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I know this has been asked alot, but if I want to map a building, and the only POI inside it is a Burger King, should I create a POI tagged as a Burger King, create a building tagged as a Burger King, or create a POI mapped as a Burger King and then create a building with blank fields?

asked 20 May '14, 00:15

AmaryllisG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 May '14, 00:42

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi AmaryllisG! You say "this has been asked alot". Yes, right (e.g.)! And what is the difference of your question? What are the specifics? What is not answered in the previous questions? Please put them in the title of this question.

(20 May '14, 00:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

What I mean is that the other questions' answers were somewhat complicated IMO.

(20 May '14, 00:26) AmaryllisG

I guess the "complicated" arises from the no fixed, hard rules in OSM. You can do it as you think is best (however, there are several best practises). You may talk with others to find the best way. Others may change the way you did it ... Is that why?

(20 May '14, 00:29) aseerel4c26 ♦

  • create a POI tagged as a Burger King: okay (amenity=fast_food and cuisine=burger). Mapping only as "POI" (I think you mean a "node") does not provide the info of the size of the restaurant. It also does not provide the info that there is a building. However, it is a good start.
  • create a building tagged as a Burger King: Fine as long as you also add the relevant shop/amenity tags and not only name=burger king. Not sure what you mean by "tagged as a Burger King".
  • create a POI mapped as a Burger King and then create a building with blank fields: Best version … whatever you mean by "blank fields". Buildings have no "fields". For different types of buildings see Key:building. This method provides the building (helps someone navigating around) and the shop/amenity (helps someone searching for food). Even better: map the Burger King as area which corresponds to the extends of the Burger King shop/amenity.

Well, and here the fine print: as said in my comment above, there are many ways. And different people favour different mapping styles. Some may think a area for a Burger King (instead of a node) is overkill.

A simple, good method is to look around at similar locations. Have a look how it is done there.

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answered 20 May '14, 00:40

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 20 May '14, 02:16

Thank you. When I said "fields" I meant not putting in (amenity=fast_food) and name. As you can see I'm new to OSM. I'm used to Google Map Maker. :)

(20 May '14, 01:38) AmaryllisG

@AmaryllisG: That is fine that you are new to OSM! :-) Welcome! Maybe you meant the empty "fields" of a form which your OSM editor offers. These fields and form are a simplification to use usual tags which are used in the OSM data to describe specific features (amenity=fast_food would be the usual tag here).

I guess (I never used it) in google's map maker there are strict rules are restrictions on what and how you can do something. Not so at OSM.

(20 May '14, 02:14) aseerel4c26 ♦

Exactly! ;)

(20 May '14, 02:30) AmaryllisG

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question asked: 20 May '14, 00:15

question was seen: 4,450 times

last updated: 20 May '14, 02:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum