I am looking to create a website that shows restaurants and bars close to a selected point. Can anyone point me to where to get started please? |
I do not know how easy it is to integrate it into a JS framework like Leaflet, but likely you want to use Overpass API. See e.g. this answer. Thanks. That looks as though it might get me started. There seem to be a few APIs and it was getting confusing...
(20 May '14, 08:26)
I've had a look at Overpass API and Overpass Turbo and I can use it to search for restaurants, bars, what-have-you; I have tried just about all the export options but I can't seem to find instructions for including the API and search query on my website. Am I missing something or is it just a standalone tool?
(02 Jun '14, 15:13)
Does the source of e.g. http://overpass-api.de/query_form.html help?
(02 Jun '14, 15:31)
SomeoneElse ♦
May this plugin for Leaflet, https://github.com/kartenkarsten/leaflet-layer-overpass, helps you. It allows you to create a layer from an Overpass query
(02 Jun '14, 16:50)