here N50 29.990 E5 53.985 ended a bicycle track suddenly. Warning should be necessary there. hapipiko asked 17 May '14, 20:20 hapipiko aseerel4c26 ♦ |
The question has been closed for the following reason "This "question" should be a "note" instead." by aseerel4c26 17 May '14, 21:17
Zulke problem kan je beter rechtstreeks op de kaart melden met een "note" Onderste knop aan de rechterkant op Gekleurd ballonetje op de juiste plaats zetten, en tekst bijtypen. It's better to report such problems with a "note" on the map found on Click on the button at the bottom of the row at the right side. Position the marker, and type a text describing the problem. answered 17 May '14, 20:29 escada aseerel4c26 ♦ |