Other than using car_repair, in America what is the best practice for tagging a business that only deals with Smog Center's? I was thinking about using smog_center. Thanks asked 16 May '14, 10:30 frankthetankk |
Emission tests, which is what I presume you mean by a Smog Center, are a standard part of having a road-legal vehicle in many countries. In the UK they are included in the MoT test, and I know the Swiss standards are fairly stringent. Usually these are part of a suite of tests, so something like Many car repair/service garages will also offer these tests, in which case shop=car_repair with vehicle_test_centre=yes, would enable garages which also do tests to be separated out. Some in fact specialise in performing the test, with car servicing as a sideline, in which case one could use car_repair=yes. (AFAIK we dont distinguish between places which service cars & those which deal with accident damage repair). If the facility only carries out one kind of test then use either None of these suggested tags are in use, although there are several well-established precedents in similar areas. My main point would be to try and use a tag which works across different countries & jurisdictions: firstly it is likely to get better take-up, and secondly it will make life easier for anyone who wants to use it downstream answered 16 May '14, 11:16 SK53 ♦ |
See also https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/2096