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I need to render maps on a commercial application based on street address. What candidate frameworks can allow me to create maps based on street address that use your map data? Does the usage cost me or is it free?

asked 15 May '14, 13:52

trackergo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You want a server or client based solution? Which OS? What kind of maps (area, styles, ...)?

(15 May '14, 14:01) iii

You have to know that in OSM, streets are relatively well covered and complet in many developed countries. But we're still lacking most of the houses numbers.

(15 May '14, 14:01) Pieren

... and tell us( by EDITING your question): do you need many little static map graphics for a couple of different addresses? or do you want to embed OSM based maps on a website or similar centered on a specific address, maybe with a marker pin on it?

and finally: search on this FAQ site for "commercial" to see about usage for free, but paying attention to licence definitions.

(15 May '14, 16:58) stephan75

You may acquire OpenStreetMap data without cost. There are restrictions on how to acquire the data to ensure that you do not needlessly burden the OpenStreetMap infrastructure. There may be third parties who will sell you access to OpenStreetMap data.

You may use OpenStreetMap data within a commercial application so long as you meet your obligations under the OpenStreetMap data license.

There are several frameworks that will convert OpenStreetMap data into pictures of data, or "maps" if you like, according to your requirements. There are also third parties who have created maps that you might use without having to generate the maps yourself. Some of the frameworks are proprietary and will have costs related to using them, other frameworks are open and might be run in-house for free, or by purchasing access via a third party.

Your choice of framework, of in-house, or third party vendor, or native sources will depend on aspects of your use case.

permanent link

answered 16 May '14, 15:21

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 15 May '14, 13:52

question was seen: 6,392 times

last updated: 16 May '14, 15:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum