Is it legal to adapt OpenStreetMap maps into visual art work (i.e. adapt, copy or draw a map of a city, town or place existing in OpenStreetMap into a painting or drawing)? If it is, does OpenStreetMap have to be acknowledged when the art work is displayed? Can the art work be sold and if so does OpenStreetMap have to financially compensated (i.e. a percentage or commission) or does a licencing fee need to be payed? Thanks for any answers to these questions, the website does explain some of these questions; however, I have never used maps in my art before and would like clarification before I do so. |
See the answers to the previous questions. E.g. artistic-illustration-based-on-osm-data-license-question. |
If you base your work on OpenStreetMap, you
You also need to be aware that these are the restrictions that apply for use of the raw data. The designers of the various maps that you see on the web often impose additional legal restrictions for using their maps. If you tell us which map design you would like to use as the foundation of your work, we can tell you about these, too. (This is not an official statement, I am not a lawyer etc., so please take this with a grain of salt.) Thanks for the answers, I have a further question on the help board "What is raw data on OSM?" you may be able to answer. Just a clarification on your above answer. Is the raw data you were referring to the OSM website maps themselves while the designers of the various maps on the web were not from OSM? If so, I'm assuming I can use the OSM maps in my visual art so long as I follow their restrictions (e.g. acknowledgements, etc). I know your statements are not official, they are helpful (I still have more research to do before I start adapting any maps to my art). Thanks again.
(16 May '14, 06:19)
@CatBoy , This answer to a previous question might help explain what is meant by "raw data".
(16 May '14, 09:13)
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