I am trying to pull data for a single city bounded by two lat-long pairs with:
I am currently logged in to OSM (my browser has a cookie). It doesn't work. When I try the diagnostic: I get a response of an empty set of permissions. What do I need to do? |
The api is designed for editing the openstreetmap data. It has a limit how big an area you are allowed to download at once. The whole of Baltimore is certainly too much. Clicking on the export button at the top of the the openstreetmap main page list some alternatives if the export from the api fails, because the area is too big. E.g.: http://overpass-api.de/api/map?bbox=-76.7237,39.1971,-76.5273,39.3858 and http://metro.teczno.com/#dc-baltimore 1
The overpass API worked immediately. Thanks! A followup: I wanted the data only to check for the existence of a certain tag, namely "highway=speed_camera". Is there a way to ask for only those tags within a bounding box?
(14 May '14, 04:11)
Yes, there is (just replace the name with your highway tag). Even better: you can visualize the result using overpass turbo where the result can also be exported (hint: use the wizard for creating new queries).
(14 May '14, 08:12)
scai ♦
http://overpass-turbo.eu/ makes it easy to design queries
(14 May '14, 08:13)
SimonPoole ♦