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Big Belly is a US company which produces smart rubbish bins

photo of a Big Belly

Their bins are installed in many cities around the world, including Hamburg, Nottingham and Aberdeen.

I have looked to see if anyone has applied additional tags to identify these bins, unfortunately the only things named "Big Belly" appear to be a kebab takeways in Cluj and Arad. Apart from operator=Big Belly, what other tags are suggested to discriminate these from other ordinary amenity=waste_basket facilities?

asked 13 May '14, 21:02

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 14 May '14, 00:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I don't feel that these are far enough from a waste basket in terms of expectation or function to differentiate, and amenity=waste_basket is almost certainly the most applicable tag. It's a place you can throw stuff away, and roughly the same size as a traditional city wastebasket (but much smaller than the giant concrete ones used in theft-prone cities like Portland to keep people from stealing the wastebasket).

I'm not sure Big Belly actually operates these cans, I'm pretty sure they just make 'em, and I'm not sure the brand of wastebasket matters much. When was the last time you needed to throw something away and was like, "Nope, I only use Rubbermaid wastebaskets?"

That said, they have these in Portland, too, which elicits reactions of "Oh, well, it's never sunny here, so no wonder it's overflowing" and "why would you want to compact the sun?"

permanent link

answered 13 May '14, 22:35

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

edited 13 May '14, 22:40


Obviously I wasnt clear. I had no intention to tag them anything other than amenity=wastebasket as the basic tag. However, it seems natural to want to separate these out from a simple wastebasket. I was looking for things like how to tag an amenity as solar powered (applies to parking ticket machines, road signs etc), and perhaps are networked, but certainly ones that compact the rubbish. The Nottingham link does actually name the company they are leased from, so brand=Big Belly seems better than operator.

(14 May '14, 11:33) SK53 ♦

@SK53: what about something more general (as opposed to brand which only helps people knowing that brand)? Maybe the width and height and colour? Those may be useful for navigation. Is there anything special for the users of this waste basket? Maybe those tend to have free space more frequently than ordinary waste baskets (due to big capacity and smart emptying)? Well, or the recycling compartment. So some recycling tags may be applicable.

(14 May '14, 13:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

width, height & colour are really too fine a level of detail. In the end I went with brand=Big Belly, operator=whoever, solar_powered=yes, rubbish_compactor=yes. This brand seem to more or less have a monopoly.

(14 May '14, 23:19) SK53 ♦

@SK53: Whyever the brand name should be not "too fine level of detail" ... ;-) Well, some people collect base ball cards, others brands of waste baskets (really, OSM is a world of collectors). Maybe I did not explain well enough why I think "brand" is not a that useful idea. However, okay now. Great that those get added somehow and with some level of details.

(15 May '14, 00:46) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 13 May '14, 21:02

question was seen: 3,603 times

last updated: 15 May '14, 01:14

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