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please help to tell me how to delete the safety copies of Garmin Maps on my computer.. I can see that r´there are over 10 Gb of copies and cannot find the paths to them


asked 13 May '14, 09:18

Dragos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 May '14, 13:25

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦


What software or data does this refer to?

(13 May '14, 09:20) SomeoneElse ♦

refers to the back-up maps.. there are always a safety copy of the updated maps on the computer.. I have already three Garmin devices and the copies of backup maps is to much.. now at almost 14 Gb..thanks

(13 May '14, 12:50) Dragos

I'm guessing that this is about Garmin's Mac equivalent of Mapsource rather than Time Machine (since Time Machine backups are on an external disk, and to an extent at least self-managing). I'm guessing that that's Basecamp for Mac (is there another one?), but it needs a Garmin / Mac user to actually answer the question.

(13 May '14, 14:44) SomeoneElse ♦

whan updating maps, Garmin Express is making backups to later recovery of the updated maps. These map sets are stored on the HDD and don't think on the time machine... just in the system's Library somewhere I cannot see but feel.

the question is how to uninstall or delete these back-ups either getting their path (now impossible to detect it) or uninstall using some of Garmin's tools.

thanks a lot!

(13 May '14, 16:33) Dragos
(13 May '14, 16:54) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 13 May '14, 09:18

question was seen: 8,532 times

last updated: 14 May '14, 02:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum