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An going to Turkey and want to walk around hills. No local maps - best I can find is the cycle layer OSM map, so I an to download the cycle layer map from OSM and then be able to see my GPS position on my Galaxy S Mini. Every App I try has no cycle layer maps or the ability for me to load up my own OSM export. What App can I use?

asked 12 May '14, 19:26

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If I understand you correctly you want to bulk download cycle layer tiles. You can't find applications doing this, because the terms of service of the cycle layer don't allow bulk downloading without express written permission beforehand.

(12 May '14, 20:46) cartinus

That's not exactly what I wanted to do - I only need a very small area and I have already exported the area I need using the export function on the website. What I wanted is an android app which can rende this .osm file and show my position using the phone's GPS.

(12 May '14, 20:52) stretchcj

This is again not very clear to me ;) You talk about the cycle layer (which are pictures) and then you say you have an osm file (which is raw data).

If you have raw data, then you can use several tools from OsmAnd to create your own map. You can of course also simply use their offline map of Turkey.

P.S. Have a look at the related questions to the right.

(12 May '14, 21:09) cartinus

OsmAnd can do that. Start with the free version (only 10 map downloads allowed). You should be able to directly load the vector file for Turkey from the app. If not, it is available from (you'll need to be able to copy the .obf file to the osmand directory on your SD card if you do it manually).

In OsmAnd you can select several renderings including cycle map. If you download the appropriate SRTM files and get the contour module you can display contour levels which I find useful when hiking.

(12 May '14, 21:13) n76

cartinus - to be honest I don't know what I have exported - I was displaying the cycle layer map at the time and then clicked the export button and a 4Mb .osm file was created - i assumed that it was a cycle layer map.

stf - I tried OsmAnd and I could only download the country map for Turkey - it only seemed to be a road map - it had no contours (and that plus the tracks is exactly what i wanted). I could only download their maps - not my own. Where can I find the STM files? Where is the Contour Module?

(12 May '14, 21:23) stretchcj

Please go to the OsmAnd wiki I linked to before and read the sections: "First Steps in OsmAnd" and "How To Display Contour Lines and Hillshades"

(12 May '14, 21:39) cartinus

stf - - have downloaded OsmAnd and the plug in - plus the Turkey map and the Contour map for Mugla (took a while to figure out which one I needed!), but now can see the area I'll be in with contours and GPS tracking - excellent - many thanks.

(12 May '14, 22:35) stretchcj
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question asked: 12 May '14, 19:26

question was seen: 8,850 times

last updated: 12 May '14, 23:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum