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For the first time I tried editing the map, which went fine, until I tried to save it. Then I got a cryptic message:

"Version mismatch: Provided 1, server had: 2 of Way 250295839"

I have no idea what this means, how to resolve it, or how to save my changes. What does "Way 250295839" mean?

asked 03 May '14, 03:36

Bruce%20in%20Iloilo's gravatar image

Bruce in Iloilo
accept rate: 0%

edited 03 May '14, 16:00

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


It means that someone edited the same way you tried to edit and saved the changes before you.

Way 250295839: It seems like this 'someone else' is also you. Probably you had two browser windows open with editor and you did editing in both.

Your changesets:

As I'm not familiar with iD, I do not know whether something can be salvaged from your unsaved work.

(03 May '14, 07:17) RM87

At the time of writing I believe the only way to resolve the issue with iD is to undo back past the problem and then save.

The way to prevent it in future (not that it helps now, unfortunately) is to "save early, save often".

(03 May '14, 11:08) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks all. that makes sense. It is likely that I had different browsers open. It is working now and my changes have been reflected. I assume that some more-experienced editor, maybe some sort of administrator, solved the duplication issue. Thanks to whomever did that.

(12 May '14, 06:32) Bruce in Iloilo

As @RM87 says, it's an editing conflict. Somebody already uploaded a newer version of an object(s) that you wanted to alter, also.


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answered 03 May '14, 08:59

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 03 May '14, 03:36

question was seen: 11,182 times

last updated: 12 May '14, 07:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum