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Hi, I need to map my customers on a map system. Microsoft Mappoint is interesting but it is proprietary.

I would like to adopt a software which uses openstreetmap.

Could you suggest something ?

Regards, Giuseppe Chillemi

asked 30 Apr '14, 23:39

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Giuseppe Chi...
accept rate: 0%


I suspect that there is no out of the box finshed product for what you want to do.

Depending on your technical knowledge doing what you want could be fairly simple to do with Tilemill or something similar, or you could approach one of the companies that offer geo-visualation as a service.

Tilemill: Services:

permanent link

answered 01 May '14, 11:13

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SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

(02 May '14, 13:01) stephan75

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question asked: 30 Apr '14, 23:39

question was seen: 4,314 times

last updated: 02 May '14, 13:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum