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What is the assumend capacity of a (bicycle) stand: (Key:bicycle_parking)? I mean in practice two bikes can be locked at it(, at least). On the other hand this fact may not be present to everyone/OSM contributer (e.g. if one don't ride a bike). Unfortunately I cannot find a guidline or comment for it in the wiki.

Thanks in advance

asked 30 Apr '14, 12:12

Nobelium's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you asking about an implicit default capacity if there is no capacity key present?

(30 Apr '14, 12:36) scai ♦

I hope I understand your comment correct, but if there is no information about the number of stands, there cannot be an implicit default capacity. It's just the question whether in this special (=stands) case the capacity stands for the bike capacity (two bikes per stand) or the number of stands.

(30 Apr '14, 13:24) Nobelium

Tag the bike parking with the number of bikes that can be parked there. For example, if you can park 4 bikes, then use "capacity=4"

There is no such thing as an 'assumed capacity'.

permanent link

answered 30 Apr '14, 13:25

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

That is what I expected. But nevertheless I would mention it in the wiki because at the beginning (without thinking) I only counted the number of stands. Any objections?

(30 Apr '14, 13:41) Nobelium

But the wiki page already says capacity=The number of bikes that can be parked here.

(30 Apr '14, 13:43) scai ♦

That's correct but as I wrote before if you don't ride a bike or don't think about it you might only count the stands. That's not so utopic and I did it. I don't say such a comment ("consider that perhaps a stand can hold more than just one bike") is mandatory but it could avoid dummies like me from counting in a wrong way ;-)

(30 Apr '14, 14:00) Nobelium

People who don't cycle are unlikely to map cycle parking at all. If they do then they are still unlikely to consider capacity (in much the same way as drivers don't often map car park capacity). When they start, they are likely to read up on the tag (I would like to think).

(30 Apr '14, 14:44) EdLoach ♦

I recently got into an e-mail discussion on exactly this point with another mapper. He said that the capacity of a bicycle parking facility is the number of bicycles that can be parked there (obvious really, but I had been getting it wrong). He also pointed out that the most important thing is to show where there is bicycle parking. As with car parking, if you are unsure about the capacity, leave it unset. The map entry is still useful, and probably someone else will fill in the missing details later.

(30 Apr '14, 20:59) Madryn

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question asked: 30 Apr '14, 12:12

question was seen: 2,921 times

last updated: 30 Apr '14, 21:04

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