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I can see a lot of different ways to map a music school.

  • amenity=music_school ( 107 objects)
  • education=music (68 objects)
  • training=music (24 objects)
  • shop=music (2327 objects)
  • shop=musical_instrument (1687 objects)
  • amenity=studio (1629 objects)
  • type=audio (389 objects)

What's your recommended way ?

asked 29 Apr '14, 19:54

exxos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Apr '14, 20:13

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Half of your mentioned tags obviously won't define a music school: shop=music, shop=musical_instrument and (a single) type=audio clearly don't define a school. Likewise amenity=studio just seems wrong.

So the remaining tags are amenity=music_school, education=music and training=music.

training has just a pretty empty proposal whereas both amenity=music_school and education=music are suggested in the german, indonesian and polish "how to map a" wiki pages. amenity=music_school is also quite similar to amenity=school and amenity=driving_school whereas education seems to be the better category.

My recommendation is to add both amenity=music_school and education=music for now.

permanent link

answered 29 Apr '14, 20:30

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 29 Apr '14, 20:31

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question asked: 29 Apr '14, 19:54

question was seen: 4,178 times

last updated: 29 Apr '14, 20:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum