Hey together, I have been wondering whether it is possible to include some kind of "language parameter" in the URL of a static map. http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/staticmap.php?center=48.1351253,11.5819806&zoom=14&size=1024x768&markers=48.1351253,11.5819806,ol-marker e.g. Munich instead of "München". Is there maybe even a page where I find all the parameters that can be included in the URL? For instance I have also looked for for different marker icons but didn't come any further than here: http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/wizzard/ Best, Emanuel |
No there isn't a language parameter. This would require that the static map script uses tiles made with labels in different languages but it always simply uses the standard OSM map. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/staticmaplite/ for the original source code of the Static Map script; the instance on staticmap.openstreetmap.de is not 100% identical but similar. You can set up your own instance of the script and even point it to other servers for downloading tiles, however make sure you respect the servers' usage policies. Okay, thank you for your quick and accurate response, Frederik.
(29 Apr '14, 16:05)