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I want to take an different route than wat is proposed. How can I make little changes to the proposed traject. Thank you

asked 27 Apr '14, 23:08

luron's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Apr '14, 16:51

stephan75's gravatar image



Which router are you using? There are quite a few of them that use OSM data.

(28 Apr '14, 00:54) SomeoneElse ♦

Thank you for your answer. I use the app OSMAnd 1.7.5

(28 Apr '14, 07:27) luron

OsmAnd supports via-points. Just add a few along your route.

(28 Apr '14, 07:34) scai ♦

If I add a point he makes a detour to that point. The proposed route does not change.

(28 Apr '14, 07:50) luron

Sorry I am a newbie

(28 Apr '14, 07:52) luron

Isn't that what you wanted? Maybe it's not clear what you mean with "proposed route". Can you explain it?

(28 Apr '14, 08:32) scai ♦

I give a start and destination and OSM gives me an itinerary. But somtimes I want to follow anouther route. I travel wit an RV and not every itinerary is suitable for an RV. For instance in Google map I can change th proposed route by dragging with te mouse. Thank you for your answer.

(28 Apr '14, 10:34) luron

OsmAnd is one of many applications that use OSM data. It's one of the most popular because it's one of the best, but it's not in any sense an "official" OSM application.

Whilst there may be people here who are familar with it, if you're asking detailed functionality questions you might find the answer more quickly in the OsmAnd Google Group.

(28 Apr '14, 10:48) SomeoneElse ♦
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question asked: 27 Apr '14, 23:08

question was seen: 11,744 times

last updated: 29 Apr '14, 16:51

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