dear all im new to OSM im using gps tracking device ,that gps tracking device send gps coordinates to web server and those coordinates saves in database .my requirement is how those coordinates on OSM. how can do it? how im show makers on OSM ? in hear im using openlayers for embedding the map |
Hi Amila, some questions, what kind of device do you use ? What do you expect to do with the coordinates on OSM ? Why do you want them to get onto OSM ? Please read these pages with questions like yours as well. im gointo make vehicle tracking system for my final year project ... i want to show vehicles geo locations on OSM . he lp please if u know ???
(28 Apr '14, 03:37)
If you aren't tied to OpenLayers and this is for history playback (not real-time) on an OSM basemap then Leaflet.AnimatedMarker is a method. If you're looking for real-time, MapBox has something ready-made (but a GeoJSON refresh should be pretty easy in pure Leaflet). |