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Hi there. I'm a new OSMAnd user. I was hoping to be able to record training hike tracks, and altitudes climbed etc, and to view contours on maps. I've managed to get the basic local map showing on my Android phone, and have downloaded the additional contour maps for my area. But I can't actually see them on the screen, no matter what the zoom level is. Any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?

asked 27 Apr '14, 10:09

Dan%20H's gravatar image

Dan H
accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '15, 16:25

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Just asking as you didn't mention it explicitly: did you download and install the additional OsmAnd Contour lines plugin? It's a separate app in Google Play! Also did you choose a minimum zoom level and zoom in close enough to see the contour lines?

Check for more details.

(27 Apr '14, 15:19) mmd

Yes, I did that. Paid my £1.99! And downloaded the contour maps for my area. But I can't seem to make them visible.

(27 Apr '14, 17:33) Dan H

On OsmAnd you'll need to go into your settings and under "configure screen" select "map style" and then in there select "high-detail-topo". And also under "configure screen" click "show contour lines" and set the zoom level where you'd like them to appear. At least that works for me using both OsmAnd 1.5 and the latest 1.7.5

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answered 27 Apr '14, 11:14

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

edited 27 Apr '14, 11:15

Thanks for the answer. I'm using v1.7.5 but under Map Style, I don't see a 'high-detail-topo' option. I have 'topo-map-assimilation' and I've selected that, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything.

(27 Apr '14, 12:25) Dan H

Hmmm. Maybe all that showed up when I installed OsmAnd Ski to get ski trails rendered. It has been a while now and I don't recall the details.

(27 Apr '14, 17:56) n76

In case of no solution here, try asking at the Osmand googlegroup forum:!forum/osmand

Tell us in detail there what version of Osmand you have in use, and what map files you have downloaded.

Also tell us all settings inside osmand that are related to map display, and tell us all plug-ins you have switched on or off inside Osmand.

(29 Apr '14, 16:50) stephan75

Hi again. Thanks for your further help. Still no joy here yet. I can see the hill shading, but still not the contours. My detailed settings etc summarised below.

Osmand v1.7.5 My phone: LG (Google) Nexus 4

Offline map (vector) files downloaded: Gb_england_north-east-england_europe.obf (also NW and SE)

Online and tile maps: Hillshade Great-britain europe.sqlitedb Mapnik

Contour lines data: Great-britain_england_europe.srtm.obf Great-britain_wales_europe.srtm.obf

Plugins activated: Online maps Logging services Contour lines

Map source settings: online over/underlay

(03 May '14, 09:19) Dan H

PS, I ran out of space with my 600 characters. I wondered if the contour lines map should be selected somehow as an underlay or an overlay? But I'm not seeing anything with contours in the name when I check the list of options to choose (my Hillshade Great-britain europe data set is there, but not the contour line ones.

Thanks for any further help. I'll summarise all this in the google forum as you suggest if not able to resolve here.

(03 May '14, 09:27) Dan H

Hey, I am having the same issue, but with a different map. I already posted my question here, but without an answer the thread got closed saying "This was not the right place to ask this, Osmand is its own thing, contour lines have nothing to do with Open street map, the google groups page is responsible for Osmand". No one there seems to be able to help me, but I couldn't help but notice a similarity btween your and my case. You see I have the same issue wih the map "". Both mine and your maps contain underscores as well as a hyphen (" - "). I wonder if that hyphen has anything to do with the issue? Can a developer please look at this please? Changing the file name didn't so anything. Also, I could always tell that the map didn't even got loaded in the first place, because it wasn't displayed in bold font, as the loaded vector maps are. Also, when I click a bold fonted map, I see additional info, not the case with the contour lines map, except if I make the program think it is a vector map by moving it in the main folder and removing the "srtm" ending. In that case the map loads and I see a bunch of coordinates under additional info, but I still can't see any contour lines. The additional info is cryptic, If you want to see screenshots, look at my google groups question, it's called "contour lines not loading - tried everything", i posted screenshots a couple posts down.

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answered 29 Jun '14, 03:21

SpadRess's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi SpadRess, I just wanted to confirm that I am now seeing my contours. I'm not sure what I changed really, or why they came on, but I do see them now. I don't know which layer the contours are, but I now have 'underlay map' ticked in the layers, as well as hillshade layer. They might also have come on just when I searched for a different area away from my local area. Not sure if that triggered something. All a bit of a mystery to me. Very happy with it now though. Brilliant for out hiking in the hills.

(29 Jun '14, 17:42) Dan H

In the latest version of Osmand, the contour lines plugin has changed. You have to enable it and then download the contours separately.

Under settings->Manage map files select "ALL DOWNLOADS" and then a pull down will appear at the top with "Regular maps" showing. In the pull down select "Contour lines".

Hill shade is in that same pull down if you want those too.

Instructions in the Google wiki and at the Android app page are wrong. It's pretty shitty when you're asking £2 for the plugin. I wouldn't complain if it was free.

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answered 08 Jun '15, 22:17

icheyne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jun '15, 22:18


I believe I got the Osmand contour lines plug-in from F-Droid even though I got Osmand from another source. The price of apps/plug-ins on F-Droid is very reasonable (free).

(08 Jun '15, 23:17) n76

I don't mind contributing to OSM. I'd donate anyway. It's just annoying when usability/documentation is this poor.

(09 Jun '15, 07:36) icheyne

I have the same problem that the contours and shadows do not display. I tried exactely the procedure that Icheyne proposes. It still doesn't work. Any other hint?

And... I can also not see any bikeroutes. Is that a separate plugin? Which one?

(09 Jul '15, 16:14) himmelslund

I haven't heard about a bicycle specific plug-in and don't use OsmAnd for bicycle much so I can't much help there other than to note that if I select bicycle the map appears to show roads with bicycle lanes in my area.

Regarding contour lines and hill shading, at least in 2.0.4:

  1. If you bring up the screen setup (layers looking icon on top left), is "Hillshade layer" checked?

  2. In same menu a bit further down, what is the value of "Show contour lines"? (Mine is set to 11.)

  3. If both of those are set, are your files correctly installed? Use a file explorer to look at the /sdcard/osmand directory. There should be a "srtm" subdirectory with your contour data files (names ending in .srtm.obf. There should be a "tiles" subdirectory also with one or more files with names like "Hillshade_something.sqlite.db"

  4. I think you will also need to have the contour plug-in installed or the full (paid) version of osmand.

(09 Jul '15, 16:31) n76

@himmelslund I'd that ask over at the OsmAnd Google Group rather than here.

(09 Jul '15, 16:31) SomeoneElse ♦

I have checked the google group and see many people having problems and no solution being presented. therefore I prefer to continue here...

Regarding contour lines and hill shading, at least in 2.0.4:

H: I have 2.1.1

If you bring up the screen setup (layers looking icon on top left), is "Hillshade layer" checked?

H: yes

In same menu a bit further down, what is the value of "Show contour lines"? (Mine is set to 11.)

H: Mine too

If both of those are set, are your files correctly installed? Use a file explorer to look at the /sdcard/osmand directory. There should be a "srtm" subdirectory with your contour data files (names ending in .srtm.obf.

H: I have that too

There should be a "tiles" subdirectory also with one or more files with names like "Hillshade_something.sqlite.db"

H: My file is named

H: I tried to open the file and got the message "unsupported filetype" Can this be a clue?

(11 Jul '15, 10:40) himmelslund

I think you will also need to have the contour plug-in installed or the full (paid) version of osmand. H: I have the plug-in installed of course, that's where everything started.But I have the free version of Osmand. Can that be the answer? I have tried to read in the google app shop about the difference between paid and unpaid but couldn't see this as being a difference.

H: please someone, our 3 months biketour through Europe starts in 1.5 week!!

(11 Jul '15, 10:40) himmelslund

So it looks like your download is in the wrong format? You could try downloading directly from here:

Also, bike routes are available in Osmand. Just go to Map layers (symbol at top left of the screen), and tap on "Routes" to choose which types to display.

(14 Jul '15, 17:43) joost schouppe
showing 5 of 8 show 3 more comments

I can only redirect you to this google groupo thread (, where the same issue was more widely discussed and solved. In my particular area the nproblem was, that the definition of Britisch Columbia South-West was very unclear and inaccurate, and it acutally did not cover my area, even though I would consider it to be the SW of BC but apparently they didnt. Instead they considered it NW oder SE, I dont quite remember.

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answered 30 Jul '15, 20:34

SpadRess's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jul '15, 20:36

I had the same problem. Here's how I fixed it.

You have to download contour lines seperately for each region. Download Maps > Search for desired region > select it and you should see a list of additional downloads for that region (like wikipedia, roads only, contours, etc.).

Though I'm not sure if this is only the case for maps downloaded before you got the contour lines plugin.

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answered 14 Nov '16, 01:21

Justin%20Hendrick's gravatar image

Justin Hendrick
accept rate: 0%

O, and then restart the app too.

(14 Nov '16, 01:22) Justin Hendrick

I was also facing the same issue but I downloaded the contour lines separately for every region.

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answered 04 Aug '20, 20:55

Jitendra45's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '20, 21:07

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question asked: 27 Apr '14, 10:09

question was seen: 20,764 times

last updated: 04 Aug '20, 21:07

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