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I can't find anything in the wiki that addresses this, so I'll ask here.

Is there a general community consensus on whether or not "advisory" speed limits should be added to roads in OSM (as maxspeed)?

I'm specifically referring to the yellow signs present in most of the United States where the legal speed limit is one thing, but sometimes (curves in the road or other reasons) the highway engineers have determined a lower recommended speed for certain places.

asked 24 Apr '14, 16:50

Jack%20the%20Ripper's gravatar image

Jack the Ripper
accept rate: 12%

There are already tags for this in use:

permanent link

answered 24 Apr '14, 16:58

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 31 Mar '15, 14:18

Now how come I couldn't find that. I must be slipping. :-\

Thanks, scai.

(24 Apr '14, 18:13) Jack the Ripper

I see why I couldn't find it. It isn't documented, people are just using those tags anyway.

(24 Apr '14, 18:14) Jack the Ripper

Exactly, but that's okay. Just makes it harder to parse them for tools :/

(24 Apr '14, 18:26) scai ♦

The top one is suggested in a couple of talk pages on the wiki. and the second is mentioned on maxspeed:recommended is mentioned in the recommended_speed proposal linked above but only quoting the then usage figures. maxspeed:advised has been used by 8 users and maxspeed:advisory by 33 it seems.

(25 Apr '14, 09:13) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 24 Apr '14, 16:50

question was seen: 4,210 times

last updated: 31 Mar '15, 14:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum